[WP] Predicted before the market:
SPX Pivot levels are:
R3 1114.91
R2 1108.44
R1 1097.84
PIVOT 1091.37
S1 1080.77
S2 1074.3
S3 1063.7
1. Data results of today.
1.1 华德迪士尼 (DIS: 报价) 盘前股价上扬1.4%,这家媒体巨擘公布最近一季净利增长18%,优於预期,因运动频道ESPN与ABC制作电视节目收视率佳。
1.2 美国9月贸易逆差大幅扩增美国9月贸易逆差扩大18.2%,为365亿美元,逊於华尔街预期的320亿美元赤字,为1999年2月以来最大扩增幅度。贸易收支数据有利美元下跌。 去年同期逆差307亿美元。
Due to 美元下跌, most of engey stocks up except PQ and VAL. Not sure why PQ is so weak today.
石油服务类股跌破昨日低点後反弹(OIH: 报价) 121.61 0.23 (0.19%) : 石油服务类股跌破昨日低点120.69,来到119.85的低点後反弹,50日简单均线近119.82,50日移动均线为118.95。
1.3 欧洲经济数据显示欧元区第三季终於摆脱衰退,但是成长幅度比预期弱,欧元区第三季经济成长0.4%。
1.4 期货铜上涨0.5%,美林调高铜价目标,因中国以外的全球需求可能增强。原油期货盘前上涨39美分,每桶为77.33美元。
1.5 Bad News: 美國11月消費者信心指數下降密西根大學與路透社週五公佈美國11月上旬的消費者信心指數意外下滑,從10月份的70.6下降至66.0。今年9月份美國消費者信心指數一度上升至73.5,但隨後兩個月連續下滑。
The market did not fail due to a bad news. It means the market would like to go up and ignored the bad news. If MM wants to the market goes down, they will 不断强调这个坏消息。
1.6 J.C. Penney第三财季获利下降78%J.C. Penney (JCP: 报价) 第三财季获利下降78%至2700万美元,每股盈余11美分。去年同期的1.24亿美元,每股盈余56美分。季度营收下降3.2%,至41.8亿美元。扣除养老金支出後,该公司当季每股盈余30美分。FactSet调查的分析师平均预期该公司当季每股盈余12美分。J.C. Penney还将全年每股盈利预期从先前的至多90美分上调至93美分-1.08美元。J.C. Penney预计第四财季每股盈余70-85美分。分析师平均预期该公司第四季每股盈余82美分,全年每股盈余1.05美元。
Due to the good news from JCP, the retail stocks up a lot today.
2. [WP] 盘中评论
2.1 大盘稳健上涨, SPX 在 VWAP 之上,Buyer in control now . SPX 在 Pivot Point 之上, Bullish. 关键是看收盘 是否可保持在 1080 以上。
2.2 止损有一个技巧,在开盘 15 分钟内不设止损。 因为不稳定,很容易被涮。
2.3 USO DEC CALL 可以留到下周。
3. 太阳能类股领涨。YGE has a good earning and up a lot. The only solar in possible long list is YGE and STP, YGE posted nice earning. I need get rid of my JASO shares without making money.
4. [QJ] Today again Bears are unable to press ES down below 1085 later the day they again have to cover, and don't want to hold over the weekend. so that leaves some unfinished business to upside,The key is only nerrowed in 3 factors: (1) DXY (2) VIX (3) XLF how these 3 factors will do will just decide where mkt goes, do see sector rotation these days, maybe today is XLF rotate down, the bad thing is if we stand on wrong sector, we will loss money, the safest way is wait for them to all rotated out then it will be safe to short,.going long here 1090+ SPX? no, I don't want to do that, because I do not see it can go beyond 1112, and there are many diverdence, the most one is financials, mkt new high without financials that is a largest divergence.