
1/31/2010 Sunday QJie Training Class

1. SPX 60 minutes chart on 1/31/2010


Expect to pull back to 1060 area. Then bounce back to 1080-1100 since we do have RSI positive divergence.

If the market can not pass 1100, the next wave down to 960.

If the market can go above 1200, the wave count can be changed.

2. http://www.screencast.com/users/QQQyan/folders/Jing/media/7af11fba-c4f7-4163-b517-fd155e2fed24

3. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601091&sid=aa6oc6Wz9Ftg
India purchased the gold at an average price of about $1,045 an ounce, according to an IMF official on a conference call.

4. FX market leads the future. Future leads the cash.

Watch out EUR:USD and USDF:JPY

5. Charles Nenner is buying GC, NG http://charlesnenner.com/

6. Rumor: http://www.cnbc.com/id/35129399/

Yuan appreciate 5%. GS predicted 5%


The other Chinese Yuan ETF is an ETN or exchange traded note, and it is the Market Vectors Renminbi/USD ETN sponsored by VanEck Global and is part of the Market Vectors family of ETFs and ETNs. The ETN is issued by Morgan Stanley. It trades on the NYSE Arca exchange under symbol CNY.


