
Trade Station

TradeStation: www.tradestation.com/default_2.shtm

The charge from trade station:
ES trade min = 25$ data fee + 10 round trade (to get free platform fee)

1. TA indicator for volume ->Volume bar's color definition:

Blue is professional activity.
Yellow is retail activity.
Red is most ticks hit ask.
White is hit bids.
Green is no idea or should say equal.

Tradestation has those data, trades hit asks or bids then code is wrote. Took those data calculate and print volume bar colors. Those are specific volume based indicators.

2. TA indicator for candle

Color blue and yellow only means pro or retail activity. Not means BUY.
blue+ red=buy so buy signals given when blue and red candles at bottom
blue+white=sell so sell signals given when blue and white at top

3. Tick charts is the best one provided by Trade Station. Tick charts is best way to look volume.

10000 trades are 10000 ticks.

PB: Pull Back

Price and Volume, Patterns and Divergence


Support: 1093->1085

END mesns end of trend
PT means profit taken
Blue bar means: Pro activity, no mean pro buy or sell
Green bar means: nothing, undetect.
yellow bar mean retails activity
NoD means no demand
ST means stop
instead of trying to figure out the meaning of the colors that does not work on your own chart, the main purpose for chart I posted is to show the structure of the move and try to come up trading plan based on structure.
Blue is pro activity,
yelloe is amatrurs,
but those should be count on normal trading hours, not after mkt close or light volume hoursdotted lines are resistance and supportprinted words are some possible reversal pattern that you can find then in regular TA book as well as the candle pattern I posted. also another set of color volume we loaded at file area in the site. they are similarhttp://www.qqqinvestment.com/Main/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=33&Itemid=28

red and white dots: those are support and resistance lines, not buy and sell signals, but we know what support and resisnatce means.


