
Charles Nenner updates Paid site

Charles Nenner is a famous mkt researcher, he use many ways to form his cycle theory.

3/9/2010 updates

Spu...The next short term daily high is March 18th. The weekly cycles do not top until April 24. Charles needs more time and price action to measure the potential of the next break to see if it can exceed the last 9% correction. There was some discussion as to the current wave structure measured from the 2007 high to the 2009 low. 1147 was the .618, with 1187 his current tgt.

Nasd...He sees the most potential for upside here.

Stocks and ETF's
GS...still his favorite
AAPL...Hit his 1st tgt of 222. A good close above this level will tgt 242.
XLF... The next weekly high is April 20th with a 16.10 tgt
XRT.. The retailers are up into April 19th
EFA...The daily is down into march 17, then up into April 1. The weekly is down into mid May.

Bonds...The June contracts are on sell signal. The next short term daily low is March 18.
He still sees this trade as taking a long time.

Yen..the short term daily cycle bottomed yesterday and is up into April 14th. The weekly has topped.When you get this disparity in the cycles, you can get a lot of back and forth until they both turn down.This occurs after year end accounting in Japan ( March 31st)

Aussie..91.30 is Charles’ tgt and the level to watch. Closes above this area can lead to higher price tgt's. The weekly cycles bottom again the beginning of April.

Gold... Hit the tgt of 1142. The daily is up into March 23. The weekly is down.

Sugar...The next weekly low is April 19th with a 19.50 tgt. We'll look for a long around then.Crude...The daily cycles are up into month end when both the daily and the weekly top.

3/8/2010 updates

S&P/Nasdaq – Futures Prices
Dow– Cash Price
Currencies – Cash Prices

No change
The buy signal continues and cycles are up
We expect to see our upside price targets, as long as the S&P does not close below 1116 and the Nasdaq not below 1845

Gold continues on a buy signal for a few more weeks
However, Gold did not close yet above our upside price target of 1142
As long as that does not happen, our upside price target of 1187 has not been confirmed

The buy signal continues
Cycles are up for most of Mar
Keep now a sell stop below 79.50
It seems extreme, but a move to $92 is possible

US Bonds
We are now writing about June Bonds
The 30 and 5 year are on a sell signal, but the 10 year not yet
The 10 year still will have to close below 117
The down move is very slow
There are only a few months to go
We are still trying to go long the 10 year around a yield of 4% but we might not reach it.

Bunds continue on a buy signal, as long there is no close below 124

No change
Still no buy signal
However, as mentioned before, we closed shorts based on the short term cycle low

The Aussie reached our upside price target of 91.30, but continues on a buy signal
Cycles are close to a low
A close above 91.30 will probably give higher price targets

We could still see our upside price taget of 133.50
Cycles are topping
A close below 129 will signal that we saw a short term high

No change
We see some weakness
However, the next short term low in Yen strength, Dollar Yen weakness is in a few days
We are waiting one more time to see strength in order to go short
Longer term cycles topped in Yen strength, and are down until year end

Canadian Dollar
Our price target is still around 101
Based on long term cycles, it can take until July
Short term traders might sell around the short term cycle high around Mar 18

3/3/2010 updates

here is charles N comments, sometime I do not understand, it is impossible for EUR to go 1.40 while AUD and JPY say topped tomorrw, let's seealso see his view of AG futures, wheat and soybean major cycle======================================

Bonds... Charles want to go long the 10 yr. at 4.10 yield for a one year trade.He sees rates higher from here into the summer, then lower yields as a deflationscare sets in for app 1 year, after which the story changes to inflation and rates riseEventual targets 2 -3 years out are 6 1/2%, then the 8-9% level.SPU….The weekly cycle is up into mid AprilGold..Daily cycles are up with a 1140-42 target. This is a high risk trade.The next daily high is the 23 rd. The weekly cycles do not support a sustained move upwith the next quarterly low not coming until Oct. 2010.Copper..The daily cycle is up into March 19th. The weekly cycle is up into late May with a 373 target.Nat Gas... cycles are down until June 2011 with targets of 3.80 and 1.70Crude..The next daily high is March 6th. 78 is the closing breakdown #. The weekly cycles top the 3rd week of March and are down into 2011. After the weekly cycles top mid month, a close below 71.70 will confirm the high of this recent upto the mid 80's for a 1 year down.Wheat/Soybeans...Charles is looking for a major bull to start in a couple of months lasting into May 2013.Euro..There is still time on the daily cycles for the Euro to rally before the weekly tops again.He's looking for the dream sell around 140 eventually targeting 118.Yen...USD/JGY bottoms this week. Charles is looking for a major move to 105 by year end.Aussie..The daily cycles are as follows: the next high is March 3, the following low is March 18, then up into April 6th.Aud/Eur…The weekly bottoms mid March, then cycles are up into July.

3/5/2010 updates

S&P/Nasdaq – Futures Prices
Dow – Cash Price
Currencies – Cash Prices

One of our clients - who is much more knowledgeable than we are - is convinced that the market leaders are GS, Apple, and Google
Yesterday, GS gave the expected buy signal, closing above 162.50
Apple gave an upside price target of 222
Google will join, once there is a close above 555

Cycles are up
Markets continue on a buy signal
We did not get confirmed higher price targets
However, one more good up day will confirm the targets, which are:
S&P 1175, which will also generate a sell signal on a close below 1107
Nasdaq 1946 which will also generate a sell signal on a close below 1827
Dow 11,000 which will also generate a sell signal on a close below 10,280

We are still waiting to see if there will be a good close above $80.50
That will lead to higher price targets
Cycles continue up until late March

Gold corrected after reaching our upside price target of 1142
Cycles are up
The buy signal continues, as long as there is no close below 1111
A good close above 1142 will project to 1187

Nat Gas
Longer term cycles are down until May 2011
Our downside price targets are 3.88 and 1.70

US Bonds
The 10 and 5 year refuse to give a sell signal

Bunds should continue up to our price target of 125
A close below 123.80 will be a sell signal

The positive cycles only seem to lead to an intraday bounce
No change in outlook

Australian Dollar
The fact that the Aussie is holding up with cycles bottoming in few weeks is positive
A move to 91.30 is still possible, as long as there is no close below 89.50

The Yen reached our upside price target of 88
Weekly cycles topped
However, based on daily cycles, we could see a test of 88
We are still waiting to go short Yen, long Dollar Yen

Wheat/ Beans/ Corn
The sell signal continues



